

Aslan Bzhaniya: it makes no sense to open the border unilaterally

02.07.2020 20:45
Aslan Bzhaniya: it makes no sense to open the border unilaterally
President of Abkhazia gave a press conference.

Sukhum. July 2 Apsnypress. At a press conference with Abkhazian media, Head of State commented on the possibility of lifting restrictive measures to cross the Abkhaz-Russian border that were introduced during the coronavirus pandemic.

President of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhaniya, explained: “The opening of the border depends on the epidemiological situation that will develop on the adjacent territory. Our epidemiological situation is good. The disease is localized, but we are afraid that we may receive new foci of infection. Therefore, we will see how the situation develops in the Krasnodar Territory. I signed today a corresponding letter addressed to Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mishustin. We can open the border at any time, but it does not make any sense to open the border unilaterally. The same measure should be taken by our Russian colleagues. This is the case when we must act synchronously. " 

At the same time, Bzhaniya recalled: “From June 24-25, a large flow of tourists went to Sochi. The incubation period of coronavirus is 2 weeks, so the epidemiological picture will clear up by July 10. We will act based on this. ”

Head of State emphasized the importance of organizing the protection of population from coronavirus after removing restrictive measures at the border: “There are certain studies in this regard. If on July 15 we open the border for tourists, we can only talk about those who come in an organized manner and will relax in institutions where medical care is provided. Each visitor must have a “COVID security passport”, which is valid for 72 hours. And we will insist that there be medical insurance. ”

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