


16.03.2015 18:11
According to the results, reached an agreement and signed an agreement, the key points of which are the issues of certification of goods and the provision of certificates on the territory of Abkhazia.
16.03.2015 17:24
The decree was signed by the President Raul Khadjimba on March 13th.
16.03.2015 17:13
A government commission is created.
16.03.2015 16:41
Since 2016 RA citizens who have Russian citizenship will receive insurance policies.
16.03.2015 16:40
The First Deputy Prime Minister expressed his condolences to the family on the death of distinguished journalist of Abkhazia, deputy chief editor of "Republic of Abkhazia" Sergey Sarkisyan.
16.03.2015 16:26
The issues of interaction of the People's Assembly of the Parliament of Abkhazia with the executive branch.
16.03.2015 16:06
Decree has been signed today by the President Raul Khadjimba.
16.03.2015 15:59
In the performance of the State Chamber Orchestra and State Choir of Abkhazia will feature masterpieces of classical music.
16.03.2015 15:47
"This award gives me the opportunity to believe that I can do something for my people and country", - Akaba.
16.03.2015 12:44
A "Week of Russian language and Russian education in Abkhazia", in which the teachers of Russian language and literature of schools of Abkhazia raised their professional skills is completed in Sukhum.

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