


14.05.2020 19:02
The operational headquarters for protection of population from coronavirus informs ...
14.05.2020 11:42
The First President of Abkhazia Vladislav Grigorievich Ardzinba would have turned 75 years old today.
13.05.2020 20:21
The operational headquarters for protection of population from coronavirus informs ...
13.05.2020 18:57
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Abkhazia hosted a meeting of Coordination Staff for Protection of Population from Coronavirus Infection.
13.05.2020 17:58
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Abkhazia hosted a meeting of the Coordination Staff for Protection of Population from Coronavirus Infection.
12.05.2020 20:30
Following the meeting, Alexander Ankvab instructed to establish interaction between the economic bloc of the Government in order to coordinate actions to anticipate possible adverse economic consequences.
12.05.2020 18:58
The operational headquarters for protection of population from coronavirus informs ...
12.05.2020 17:32
The decree was signed by President of Abkhazia Aslan Bzhaniya.
11.05.2020 19:07
The operational headquarters for protection of population from coronavirus informs ...

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