

The Ministry of Health is preparing a comprehensive plan to fight cancer

04.02.2015 11:19
Every year on February 4 is the World Cancer Day, proclaimed by the International Union Against Cancer.

There is a state program to help cancer patients, funded by the compulsory health insurance, which provides free medication, chemotherapy, and surgery at the National Cancer Center in Abkhazia.

To date, oncology treated in four main ways: surgically, chemotherapy, United magneto and immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. According to Deputy Minister of Health Batal Katsiya: "National Cancer Center provides all kinds of assistance, in addition to radiotherapy. But this year it will be equipped with devices for external beam radiotherapy. Hopefully soon we will be able to provide all the necessary medical complex with cancer. " With regard to preventive measures, the Ministry of Health is developing a program of Abkhazia on the clinical examination of the population and one of its components is the prevention of cancer. "It will be a planned preventive medical examination of the population in various areas", - told "AP" Katsiya.

Similar events have already been held with the participation of Russian experts, but they were not comprehensive and were only in the eastern regions of Abkhazia. "Now we make a comprehensive plan and look forward to material and technical equipment. Roughly events will start in summer and will last one year", - said the deputy minister.

According to the Ministry of Health, cancer is the second cause of death in Abkhazia after cardiovascular diseases. The most common - lung, breast and bowel.

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