


24.03.2015 10:27
The decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
23.03.2015 19:14
Since April of this year, the payment will be carried out fully from the date of suspension.
23.03.2015 16:49
All funds raised from the concert will be given to Abkhazian children who need treatment.
23.03.2015 16:45
Russian Ambassador to Abkhazia Semyon Grigoriev awarded the Jubilee Medal of "70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945" Vakhram Kalaydzhyan and Gregoriy Khrishtakyan.
23.03.2015 13:26
One of the founders of the tournament - the honored worker of physical culture and sports, honored coach of the republic Oleg Lakrba.
23.03.2015 11:44
Russian-Abkhazian Business Council of Commerce and Industry Chamber expresses its readiness to closely work together to strengthen trade and economic relations between Russia and Abkhazia.
23.03.2015 10:44
Active change of air masses of cyclones and anticyclones causes an unstable weather throughout the week.
23.03.2015 10:10
During the period of the work of the State Committee, to their homeland are back 3500 thousand compatriots living in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Batumi, the North Caucasus, Europe, America and Canada.
22.03.2015 08:03
"To date, studied the physicochemical properties of about 70 mineral springs and virtually for all of them are prepared indications and contraindications to the use of", - Otar Osiya.
21.03.2015 19:05
Interior Minister congratulated the President of Abkhazia on his birthday.

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