


12.12.2019 14:58
Adgur Ardzinba wished everyone who works in development of economic potential of the republic, good health, well-being and new professional successes.
11.12.2019 19:05
On the 50th round of the international Geneva discussions on security and stability in the Transcaucasus.
11.12.2019 12:28
The rating was compiled by TurStat portal.
11.12.2019 12:06
The project was carried out jointly with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Abkhazia and the autonomous non-profit organization “Electronic Education for Nanoindustry”.
10.12.2019 11:44
Member of the National Assembly of Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia Natalie Smyr told Apsnypress about the appeal of parliamentarians to the Russian Orthodox Church.
05.12.2019 13:36
The agreement was signed on June 25 in Sukhum.
04.12.2019 16:22
The Abkhaz-Austrian society created "Commission for Support of International Contacts of the Republic of Abkhazia"
03.12.2019 14:43
As part of the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission the meeting participants discussed implementation of the action plan signed in Sukhum in 2018.
02.12.2019 15:31
“In this difficult hour we together with relatives and friends of the victims are experiencing this bereavement and wish a speedy recovery to all the injured” - the condolences said.

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