


08.04.2015 18:23
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of RA in the Russian Federation Igor Akhba met with a delegation of the Chamber of Control of Abkhazia.
08.04.2015 18:01
Raul Khadjimba held a meeting on the situation in the bread industry.
08.04.2015 13:45
The second place won the team of "Gagra district", the third - "Sports school of Gudauta".
08.04.2015 13:30
Four years have passed after the date of death on his duty of the officer of the Border of the Russian FSB in Abkhazia Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Kvitko.
08.04.2015 11:31
The Coordinating Council of political parties and public organizations of the Republic of Abkhazia issued a statement.
08.04.2015 11:11
High-tech medical assistance to citizens of our country with Russian citizenship in the Russian medical institutions under the quota will be provided by the Ministry of Health before the end of this year.
08.04.2015 10:57
This year Alexander Sokurov and his students begin to make feature-length film adaptation of the novel by Fazil Iskander "Sofichka".
07.04.2015 18:30
Speaker of the National Assembly of the Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia Valeriy Bganba on behalf of his colleagues congratulated the Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Dukuvakh Abdurahmanov and all the inhabitants of the Chechen Republic on the honorary title assigned by the Russian Federation "City of Military Glory".
07.04.2015 18:00
Were discussed issues of cooperation between the Martial Arts Federations of Abkhazia and Russia.
07.04.2015 17:13
To the state budget transferred 147.3 million rub, which is 14.8 million rubles more than control figures.

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