


21.03.2018 11:00
"Russia appreciates your efforts to develop relations of alliance and strategic partnership existing between our countries," - the Russian President noted.
20.03.2018 12:30
The Russian diplomat told about this at a reception of President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba.
19.03.2018 10:22
Deputies expressed confidence that these elections will be an important factor for the further stable development and strengthening of the Russian state.
19.03.2018 00:15
President of Abkhazia stressed persuasiveness of the choice of citizens of the Russian Federation.
16.03.2018 16:21
President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba held a meeting on socio-economic cooperation with the Russian Federation.
16.03.2018 12:34
The ceremony of laying flowers at the Memorial to the victims of 1992-1993 War of Abkhazia was held on the day of 25th anniversary of the March offensive operation in the Park of Glory, Sukhum
16.03.2018 11:34
On an official visit of the Abkhaz delegation taking place in the Republic of Srpska.
13.03.2018 16:57
The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Abkhazia takes part in the 25th international exhibition MITT-2018 "Travel and Tourism".
13.03.2018 13:01
The first international forum of non-profit organizations of Abkhazia is held in Sukhum.

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