


19.03.2015 15:11
To restore order in the capital will the staff of all structures of Sukhum Administration, a number of companies, organizations and institutions.
19.03.2015 14:57
Before leaving Adygea Khadjimba met with the first President of the Republic of Adygea Aslan Dzharimov.
19.03.2015 12:50
All funds raised at the event, after the end of the concert were awarded to the team leader.
19.03.2015 10:30
A regulatory framework has been developed to ensure transparency, openness, and efficiency in the implementation of public procurement.
18.03.2015 18:05
Director of the museum Nafiset Kushu introduced the guests with a virtual branch of the Russian Museum and invited to the permanent exhibition of contemporary fine art of the North Caucasus.
18.03.2015 18:00
Khadjimba and Aslan Tkhakushinov confirmed their intention to further cooperation and integration in different areas.
18.03.2015 16:24
Ethno-cultural center project involves the creation in Otkhara on the area of eight hectares a traditional Abkhazian yard with the house apatsha, barn, mill, apiary, winery and other objects of everyday life.
18.03.2015 14:07
Russian Ambassador to Abkhazia Semyon Grigoriev handed five veterans of the Great Patriotic War medals on the seventieth anniversary of the Victory.
18.03.2015 14:06
Development of a new model of the passport of the citizen of Abkhazia engaged Russian Federal State Enterprise "Goznak".
18.03.2015 12:40
The peoples of Adygea and Abkhazia linked ancient bonds of brotherhood, friendship and mutual assistance. Abkhazia will never forget the support given to our people by Adygea in the grim years of the war and the blockade - R. Khadjimba.

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