


13.07.2015 13:00
"I am convinced that experience, vitality and creativity of Svetlana Vinorovna enable to successfully and selflessly serve for the museum business", - the minister of culture and protection of historical and cultural heritage Elvira Arsaliya.
13.07.2015 11:52
Public utilities are working in emergency mode, from early morning until midnight - Kharazia.
13.07.2015 11:14
Performance will be held in Sukhum on July 17 at the railway station "Guma" for the first time.
13.07.2015 10:41
Prime Minister Artur Mikvabia on a business trip for agricultural facilities of Gal, Ochamchira and Gulripsh Districts discussed the problems and prospects of development of horticultural crops with experts and heads of districts.
13.07.2015 10:27
Prime Minister Artur Mikvabia held a working meeting on the problems of development of the district.
12.07.2015 12:54
Raul Khadjimba said that the Abkhaz people appreciate the great personal contribution of Aslan Tkhakushinov to the strengthening and development of good-neighborly relations between the brotherly peoples of Abkhazia and Adygeya.
11.07.2015 14:45
Order was signed by President of Abkhazia Raul Khadjimba.
11.07.2015 13:19
Chief meteorologist of Abkhazia Levarda Bartsits told "Apsnypress" that repeat of elements is not expected.
11.07.2015 12:41
After a heavy rain which took place in the foothills of Sukhum and Sukhum district, the water level in rivers rose above the allowed rate, rivers burst their banks and flooded the central part of Sukhum.
11.07.2015 10:00
Rivers Adziapsh and Sukhumka caused huge damage to the town.

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